Monday, April 21, 2008

Portion Control

Nifty! This is a teeny tiny carton of ice cream. It's 3.6 fl. oz. For those of us with no self-control when it comes to ice cream it's obviously intended to keep you from eating entire pints of Ben & Jerry's at once. Haagen Daaz has them too (I have no idea how to spell that). It's like one little scoop. And it even comes with a little spoon in the lid. :)


Nikki said...

Oh God, I miss the United States. I want automatic portion control!! I always say I'm just going to eat 1/4th of the pint, but its always gone by the end of the night!!

Chrissi said...

Actually, that little container is less than a fourth of a pint. Katie told me that as we were discussing the fact that it is a physical impossibility to eat less than half a pint of ice cream at a time.