Sunday, November 16, 2008

Nothing much going on...

I feel kinda icky. Have felt kinda icky on and off for about 5 days now. It started on Wednesday, just being really tired all day long, then I felt just off that night. It's just been really subtle - headaches, nausea, no appetite, and sometimes a little woozy/dizzy. I told Mom tonight that I was ok with having no appetite because normally I always have an appetite :) So none of that is really strong. I had a migraine Friday night, but that went away w/ some medicine. And I think the nausea is just being caused by not eating, which for my stomach is not an option. Ask Nikki, she knows. :) It's all just so faint that I don't really want to go to the doctor, I just keep expecting it to go away.

Other than that, I have nothing going on. I went to a charity art auction on Friday night, then went to go hear my friend's friend's brother's band play. I've heard them before, but this time we had to sit through an atrocious band before hand and it just wasn't worth it :) So I left about halfway through. Then I went to a birthday party last night. I'll take a picture of the picture I bought at the art auction whenever I get it back from Katie. :) Anyhow, just thought I'd post an update since I don't update this often enough.

I guess one more thing. I got the 3rd season (Volume 1?) of Dirty Jobs last week in the mail and I've watched it all since then, some episodes more than once. But anyway, one of the episodes was filmed at Fair Oaks Farms in Indiana! It's a super farm (dairy) off of I-65 at exit 220. It's entirely energy self-reliant at this point. It uses the cow poo for fuel and they have enough of it that it fuels the whole farm! They showed them milking the cows and birthing some calves. It was fun to watch partially because I drive by it every single time I go between Chicago and Indy, but also because Dad inspected that farm as it was being built and I remember him telling me about the milking machines and how they worked. During the birthing segment (which was fascinating and really ewwey) I kept thinking that those vets (there were at least 4 of them, just on that segment of the show - I can't imagine how many they employ full time) had probably gone to Purdue or that maybe Nikki had seen their pictures on the wall of the Vet school. Silly, I know, but it's fun to watch something that you have a connection to, even if it's that tenuous. :)

Oh, and I chopped off my hair. I'll post a picture as soon as I have a decent one. It's pretty cute if I do say so myself :)

1 comment:

Christine said...

I can't wait to see a picture of your haircut! Make sure to get one before it grows out!!

Thanks for the talk last night, I always have fun talking with you! Give your bulimic and sedated cat a hug for me!