Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Snobby Izzie
Addict Izzie (she has an addiction to smelly shoes)

Cats-in-Sinks Izzie (there's a whole website devoted to the topic: http://www.catsinsinks.com/)

Starving Izzie or Dramatic Izzie, take your pick
And, finally, I felt that I should document the only two known pictures of Izzie's lower 2 canine teeth because they are no more.

She had a dental last Tuesday that went very well up until the point where they found resorptive lesions on her two bottom canine teeth. Resorptive lesions are unique to cats and are when the gums essentially absorb the roots of their teeth, and the only thing to do is to extract the teeth. Both of her bottom canine teeth's roots had been almost entirely absorbed, so they took off the tops and stitched up the holes. She was pretty pathetic for the first couple days (and so was I). She had a fentanyl patch and she refused to lick anything, including drinking because she didn't like the feel of her tongue on the stitches. Her pain patch came off on Sunday and she's gotten almost back to normal since then. It's less noticeable than I first thought. I think when I picked her up, her jaw was swollen which made her look different in her face and that killed me. But now that I look at her, I don't think you can tell much at all. Except when she opens her mouth :( The picture of her w/ the shoes is post-surgery. She's gotten back to her old self for the most part, including the kissiness, although not as much as she used to. The stitches should dissolve by next week and she has a checkup next Wednesday. So everyone can feel bad for poor Izzie and mourn her bottom teeth now :)

I would also like to take this moment to thank my sister for listening to me freak out about this for a couple weeks on end (first about the cost, then the risk of anesthesia, and finally completely losing my **** when they pulled her teeth). Just take my word for it, she is a very, very, verrrry good sister (and vet). :)

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Awwww - thanks! Great posts, btw. Wish I could've been there at Christmas. Now, don't mourn the teeth - they were baaaaad teeth, we are HAPPY that they're gone! And Leah still thinks she's a cute kitty! (If she sees her though, she'll call her "meow" instead of "cat" now). :)