Sunday, August 10, 2008


Argh. Women's Gymnastics is ticking me off. I'm watching the Chinese women and if at least 2 of those women are 16 years old I will eat my hat. She looks about 10. Apparently a Chinese newspaper has made allegations that the Chinese or her coaches padded her age on her passport so she could compete. The Chinese start picking their gymnasts at age 3 and because they push them so hard, they start to wear out a lot faster than girls in other countries, and that, supposedly, is why they would want younger girls. I don't know. If you watch it online or on tv, tell me, do you think they look 16?


Laura said...

We've been watching it as well - Jason is convinced that one of them is 8.

BJ said...

I agree that at least two of them don't look anywhere near 16 but did notice that they have boobs - but those could be fake!!!