Friday, August 15, 2008

There's something in my eye

Hmm. I seem to be using that excuse a lot lately. Nastia Liukin totally made me cry. A lot. Also, eat a sandwich. I mean she had a ton to live up to what with the father that got the Olympic All-Around Gold for Russia in 1988 and the mom that was the World Champion Rhythmic Gymnast in 1987. She was awfully flawless, even on vault which isn't her strongpoint. It was a nice counterpoint to the Men's All-around which was so sloppy. Except for that large step on Uneven bars, she was virtually flawless. I felt sorry for Shawn Johnson since she was expected to win and she just couldn't pull it together perfectly (although she obviously did very very well, just those little steps. Argh.) But yeah I could do a whole post juxtaposing how Nastia and Shawn are such opposites and how they relate to American identity (Born and Raised in Iowa, vs. born and emigrated from Russia) but I'm too tired.

Also - Yay Ryan Lochte!


BJ said...

I stayed up & watched the whole competition but decided I couldn't stay up for the awards ceremony. I thought the judges were going to take it away from both of them with the low scores they were giving Nastia & Shawn and the ridiculous scores they were given some of the others. I agree Nastia was fantastic & Shawn was good but could have been better but she is still young & I'm sure she will have another chance. The only thing I did not like is that they reported that Nastia's dady said that Silver was not good enough for their family and that there was only one color good enough & that was Gold.

Nikki said...

Mom, I noticed the same thing, but you have to chalk some of that up to PR - he may not actually feel that way. Also, you can ask Tyler - I was FURIOUS with the scoring - I thought they were going to rob the Americans right up until the last event. But, yeah, I feel sorry for Shawn - I hope she has another chance.

Anna said...

Silly tiny gymnasts and their late-night antics make me very tired today.
I agree with the scoring. What was up with that? The announcers were saying that there must of been something with Shawn's "look" that they didn't like. She'd be 20 at the 2012 games. Maybe she can try again. But in my book, silver ain't bad.
I second the hooray for Ryan Lochte. Who knew he had that fluffy hair under his cap though?